Thursday, March 21, 2013

Confessions of a distracted writer...

So... what have a I written today...?

I've seen it written (so it must be true...) that a writer should write every day, even if it's only a shopping list... well I'm not so sure about shopping lists being a valid day's work, unless it's to point out the need to earn money to buy the things on said list...  But that said, it does make me think that maybe I can see my email writing and blogging as valid pieces of writing... Then I can forgive myself for allowing anything and everything to distract me for the rest of the day...

Of course I've been climbed on by cats - pretty standard - and sometimes I can even carry on typing around a cat, or while one sits on my shoulders.

I've been swimming - which can sometimes be put down to thinking time when I come up with an amazing plot as I swim...

I've been to visit horses which could be put down to inspirational for writing... if I was writing a horse book...

...and so to sum up - today I have emailed and blogged - I have been writing...

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