Monday, June 16, 2014

Monsters in kids books

Everyone loves a monster book right...?
The thrill of possible danger, while knowing deep down that the monster is trapped in the book, and all we have to do is slam the book shut and they're trapped there... till next time.

So why do so many parents shy away from a monster book, just from the mere mention of a monster in the title?

Picture books tackle all sorts of issues in a caring way, and no one is setting out to produce a book to give children nightmares, children enjoy the excitement of monsters in a story, and for many it can help them to overcome their fears.

In The Monster Under The Bed, now in it's 2nd edition there's a new twist on the traditional monster theme...
"Mum……Mum…..There's a monster under my bed."
Billy sits up in the dark, he can hear something moving around in his bedroom. When his mum puts the light on there's no monster to be seen. But when Mum goes back downstairs the noises start again...

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