Monday, August 04, 2014

Author rambling about social media

So here I am, living the dream and dreaming about making a living from it...

I've done the rounds of craft fairs, where all too often there isn't much craft going on so much as buying things in and selling them on. So where have all the craft people gone? Maybe they're all too busy making things to stand about and sell them at fairs... certainly a craft fair seems to be an opportunity to have a sit down, and I have even done a bit of writing at a fair, once or twice when the event was really quiet. But the trouble with writing is that it's a solitary occupation and if I start writing at  a fair I'm quite likely to just zone out and not notice if anyone stops to talk to me or take an interest in my books.

So surely the internet is the answer - making use of social media seems to be the thing to do, but it does seem full of people after their own ends or following to get followed, until we all seem to be following each other around in endless herds asking for likes - how can you ask someone to like something anyway...? You put it in front of people and they either like it or they don't... or am i missing something?

Views anyone...?

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