Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Breaking the rules for new exciting fiction

Breaking the rules can bring about new and exciting fiction - when I read in a 'how to book' that an author shouldn't allow a character to take control, it sparked off all sorts of fun scenarios about characters getting out of control, and out of these ramblings of my imagination came Iver No-Idea.

Iver No-Idea is a doodle who came to life - imagine the scene - Eric is trying his best to write a story in class, but all he really wants to do is draw. Eric has plenty of imagination, but is better at putting it into drawings than into words...

Prior to publication I had the opportunity to read Doodle Mayhem to a group of school children, and from their reaction, I realised that I had created something special.
Now in 2nd edition Doodle Mayhem is available in paperback and on Kindle

Read free sample pages now

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