Monday, March 23, 2015

Ideas, inspiration and illusive characters

Writing - the art of capturing a piece of one's imagination and committing it to print...

But what happens when that imagination is running away with itself, faster than words can be written or pictures drawn...?

Some ideas don't like to be caught it seems, they run a mile at the sight of a pen or a computer screen and only come out to play when they think you're not looking... the only way to catch these sneaky creatures is to do something else, and pretend you're not watching them, which is why some of my best ideas come to me when I'm sat in the garden daydreaming. And if all else fails, once I'm in the garden there's likely to be a gathering of cats getting up to something - or a sneaky one viewing me from the other side of the kitchen window, on the forbidden worktops...
Inspiration can come from the funny situation going on in front of me, or from characters who flit through my imagination - the trick is to catch them...

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