Monday, September 19, 2016

...the story is reality - for that magical time that you're truly Lost in a Book

Imagination is a gift, it can take us anywhere.

But where does it come from? I like to think that it’s the mind playing; and everyone needs to play – time to explore possibilities, or the impossible...!

It’s true that stories are often inspired by, or even based on real life, but once the imagination kicks in, that’s when the magic really happens, when anything is possible.  And if that story strikes a chord, then you, the reader are drawn in, and feel that you are part of the story, with everything else disappearing from consciousness, the story is reality – for that magical time that you’re truly lost in a book.   

Reading a story is really sharing in someone else’s imagination, the writer has captured a moment, or many moments of their imagination, and caught the magic in print for all to share. It is said that everyone has a book inside them, and that may be true, but the trick is to capture that book in the written word, to save it and share it. And that’s not as easy as it might sound. A story can flash through the imagination, and be gone just as suddenly, the trick is to sneak up on ideas, allow the imagination to wonder about, without the threat of a pen or keyboard ready to capture it... sometimes an idea has to hang around for a while before it’s ready to be written down.

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